The Sims Bustin Out reuses a lot of assets from the original game with many objects returning along with their animations, however a revised user interface for both Live and the Build/Buy modes. Then after moving in with each other a Propose social option will appear. Topic: get married on sims bustin out for ps2. The first exclusive console release of The Sims, and sequel to the original console port. Just keep spending time with each other and eventually an Ask to Move In social option will appear. He/She has to love you and you have to love him or her. You have to keep spending time with the same Sim. I would wait until u get 2 Malcolm's house before anything. It worked for me and I did it within the last 2 weeks.
Oh and also if you would like to be with your own gender than the option of move in will be there instead of the usual Propose. Reward: Hawaiian Fantasy Tiki Torch (Lighting) Get Married (Read the Marriage & Children section for further info) Reward: Spritzen Funken (Vehicle) Score With Two Sims At The Same Party Ok, this is quite a tough goal to complete, if you don't have anybody special in the game. if you google how to get married sims Bustin out ps2 there should be a wiki link with 15 steps.

It featured the same 3D environment and engine the past game did, however adds several features from The.
It is the second title in The Sims console series and the first The Sims title not released on Windows PC. After moving in wait a day or two, spend a lot of time with each other and the option of proposal will come up. The Sims Bustin' Out is a video game that was released in 2003/2004 for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, Game Boy Advance, & N-Gage. If they say no ask about 3 times and they will eventually say yes (they can't already be married). Be considerate of their feelings not only do you have to make food for them but you have to give them a hug and make them feel good before you ask. You make food and they will go for it, if you don't live together then you first have to ask them to move in. MarriageThe only way to get married on Busting Out is if you hang out with another Sim and you love them and they love you (you both have to say 100 about each other).